Tuesday, December 9, 2014

(End) The Winter Collective in Crota's End: The New Raid in Destiny: The Dark Below

The Dark Below expansion for Destiny went live at midnight PST, and my "brother clan" The Winter Collective hopes to be the first group through the new raid, Crota's End, on their PS4s. All times below are in MST. Clan members in this party were:

KillaBlaze (twitch: killablaze92)

At about 5:45 AM the group decided to call it quits for the night, having not succeeded in getting everyone across the bridge. The clan will try again later in the day, perhaps with some substitutions in the lineup. They probably won't be the first to finish the new raid, but there's always hard mode. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play it soon as well (though I did take care of some of the new story missions while I was watching). Thank you to The Winter Collective for letting me lurk in your voice chat! 

3:37 AM
The totems won't open if you're not in the center. You can only cross the bridge if you have a sword.

3:23 AM
Bathroom/smoke break! Group pact to not look up anyone else's strategy. But can I take a look? I think I'll save some of the surprise for myself as well.

3:16 AM
A sword appeared, the bridge was fully formed, and somebody needs to hold the sword in order to cross the bridge without dying, and people need to stay on the totems as well, but they're still trying to figure out the logistics of this.

3:08 AM
And they made it! Across a bridge, and into the moon's core. Ascendant materials abound.

"What's Superman's planet? It looks like that."

"It looks like Lord of the Rings."

"We might not even be on the moon anymore. Did we get teleported?"

"My guess is we should not stand on those glowing circles on the ground."

After someone stands on one, the ground shakes and enemies start appearing.

"I think they're like confluxes, we need to guard them."

There are three circles called Annihilator Totems that activate a bridge.

3:02 AM
Hunters are saying Blade Dancer is wonderful so far in the lamp tunnels.

2:40 AM
After another run, only Whitewitchdoctor is alive, and has discovered that they have circled back through the beginning. All the lamps they passed are broken now, so he's moving slowly with the stacked debuff, but there are no more enemies while this is happening.

"Oh my god, we found the first cheese!" someone said.

A few minutes in, someone makes the first "You've woken the Hive!" crack.

Suddenly, there are Hive everywhere, but Whitewitchdoctor has revived a few teammates, and they found the next lit lamp to try.

2:35 AM
The consensus seems to be that the longer you wait at a lamp, the more Thrall come, so the party has decided to move immediately to the next one rather than fighting.

2:23 AM
The party died within seconds, but they soon figured out how to set up the bridge.

After falling down the Hellmouth, you land in a circle of light in a dark cavern. If you move out of the light, you get the Weight of Darkness debuff, which multiplies the longer you stay in the dark, adding new restrictions. Known effects of the debuff so far are:
  • no double jump
  • no running
You have to move together as quickly as possible from pillar of light to pillar of light while fighting Thrall, and eventually Knights.

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